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What Does a Managed IT Company Do For My Business?

May 10th, 2021 | 1 min. read

By Marketing Team

If you have a small to medium-sized business, you may have considered outsourcing your IT to help keep your employees productive.  This past year, with more and more people working from home, has made managed IT a pretty big need for those who were typically in their office and not working from home.

IT Support is a service to help ensure the continuity of your business

Technician providing Support

You may have 5 people working from home, or in different locations, and when this happens, there are some needs that need to be met.

  • How will the home workers call?  Are they going to use their cell phones, or use the VoIP system the company already has?
  • When a new person is hired, who sets up their computer, their email, and who makes sure their internet activities don't potentially bring malware or ransomware into the company?
  • Who sets the security policies and helps people with 2FA?  (Two-Factor Authentication?)   Do people understand why this is important?
  • What are your data policies to protect client data?
  • When your systems don't communicate, who can you call to help figure these details out?
  • When purchasing technical products, who help you understand if this will help protect and make your team more efficient.

Support and Branches

Managed IT Services are not simply another line item on your expense report.  A solid managed IT company helps to ensure your operations are never down.  When signing up with a Managed IT company, one of the items your will need to consider is what is their SLA (Service Level Agreement).

What is an SLA?

An SLA is basically the promise of the IT company, of how long it will take them from when they get a request, to when the request is worked on and solved.  It can be NBD (Next Business Day), 4 Hours, 2 Hours, or even on a tighter schedule.  The more high-priced staff you employ, the better the SLA we would recommend.

We manage IT networks in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Chicago and would love to work with your business. Give us a call if you have been considering Managed IT, and we will show you how Intelligent Technically Solutions can keep your business running!

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