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How a Roofing Company in Arizona Used Managed IT to Push Their Company Forward

Faced with outdated IT systems and operational inefficiencies, Lyons Roofing in Arizona partnered with Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS) to overhaul their technology infrastructure. The transition to advanced cloud-based systems provided by ITS not only resolved persistent server issues but also enabled seamless remote work capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This strategic upgrade significantly enhanced operational flexibility and efficiency, positioning Lyons Roofing for continued success.

Industry Company Type Type of Service
Roofing B2C Managed IT

Lyons Roofing is a well-established roofing company with 30 years of experience serving customers in Phoenix, Arizona. As a growing business, they realized that they needed to upgrade their IT infrastructure to better manage their operations and serve their clients more efficiently.

However, they initially lacked the resources and expertise to manage their IT needs in-house, so they decided to seek the services of a managed IT service provider (MSP).

In this case study, we will explore Lyons Roofing's experience with Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS) and how this partnership has transformed their IT infrastructure, increased their productivity, and improved their customer service.

We will also examine the challenges the roofing company faced before hiring a managed IT service provider, the solutions implemented by the provider, and the resulting benefits.

Overall, their experience will provide insights into managed IT services for businesses also looking to streamline their IT operations and achieve their business goals.

The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back: 
What Pushed Them Into Getting Managed IT? 

Lyons Roofing is a company dedicated to creating customers for life and providing each roofing client with the highest standard of service. They’ve been serving commercial and residential clients throughout the Phoenix and Tucson areas since 1993.

Lyons Roofing’s IT started out as a one-man show. With one technician, they slowly built up their on-premise servers to leverage technology for their business.

However, when they started growing as a company, they outgrew their technology.

“As the company grew, we realized that we needed more support and we needed better advice for our growth and what technology could do for us,” Rhonda LaNue, Lyons Roofing’s Executive VP, explained.

Lyons then met with an MSP to manage their technology and was completely satisfied with their services. This firm ended up being acquired by ITS.   
“This caused us some concern at the beginning,” LaNue admitted, “because we had known all the technicians as well as the owner very well; we were concerned about this transition to a new company.” 
They were also right in the middle of switching servers, as they were tired of experiencing constant downtime issues. The stress simply wasn’t worth it. 
“We were using on-premise servers that were from 2012 and were dying slowly,” Holman explained. “Our employees at the office could not look up data; we couldn't send out quotes or print work orders. We were completely down every time our servers would die on us. It was absolutely horrible.” 
Because of all these concerns, they eyed the possibility of switching to a different vendor. Luckily, they didn’t need to.  
“ITS took the ball and ran with it and has been a wonderful, wonderful provider,” Holman explained.  

Behind-the-Scenes of Their Managed IT Experience 

General Experience 

Lyons Roofing has a managed IT partnership with ITS. They’ve completely outsourced their IT department, and rely on ITS to take care of the day-to-day and long-term affairs of their network.  
They’ve used ITS to manage all cloud services, QuickBooks information, and remote servers and create an integrated system for all their data. 

“Just the fact that our systems were integrated now is allowing us to operate much more seamlessly,” LaNue said. “They helped us realize that having on-site servers was not actually benefiting us. ITS was critical in bringing us along the path to appreciate what going to the cloud would really mean.”

ITS has since then taken them to another level that has helped accommodate their business growth.

But, Ananda Holman, the Production Coordination Manager, pointed out, it didn’t stop at just managing IT.

Challenges with Managed IT

LaNue knew things wouldn’t run perfectly 100% of the time, so when glitches did happen, they were able to roll with it.

“A lot of the challenges had to do with the equipment and cost,” LaNue explained, “and the biggest concern was our ability to maintain our working process on a daily basis.”

“But ITS really paid attention and allowed us to continue working through the transition.”

Holman also talked about the challenge of transitioning to a remote set-up due to COVID right in the middle of changing their servers.

“Given all of that,” she said, “it went smoothly. ITS, during COVID, also helped us get laptops for our employees so they could work remotely. They set up the VPN so that we were secure.”

"...You have a true partner in ITS. It's not just a provider for managed IT or different various services. You have a friend that you can rely on and ask questions and that you can trust that they're going to be reliable and give you an honest answer."

Rhonda LaNue, Executive VP | Lyons Roofing

The Aftermath of the Partnership: Were They Satisfied?  

On a personal and professional level, Holman knows there were tangible benefits of partnering with ITS.

“I can access my entire database from anywhere,” she explained. “On a personal level, I've been growing within the IT department. During those meetings when we switched from the on-prem servers moving to the cloud, I realized how much I really enjoyed doing IT work; that's something that I've grown into.”

“So, on the work level, I can complete my work from anywhere, but on the personal level, ITS has allowed me to grow within my career.”

On the company’s end, LaNue explained that their old system was costing them a tremendous amount of productivity and lowering customer service quality. With a more seamless system, they could focus on their services, not on all the technology issues.

“The technology also enabled us within a matter of a week or two when the Covid lockdown started occurring,” LaNue said, “to ramp up and operate in the environment. Roofing was considered an essential service, and we needed to continue.”

“We were able to get all of our employees up and running from home pretty much seamlessly as if they were in the office.”

When asked if there were monetary benefits, she pointed out that there wasn't a price she could put on their flexibility. “We can allow our employees to be nimble enough to work from home if they're not feeling well,” she said, “or if weather is a deterrent for them getting to the office. Everybody has laptops now. Everybody can go home, plug in and work as if they were at their own desk.”

Holman agrees. “It’s hard to put an exact number on it because it's so huge. We've been able to open our eyes to the newest technology that's out there for both our field workers and our office staff.”

She did notice the transition from analog systems - like physical reports and pictures - saved them a lot of money. And the amount of money lost in downtime - and regained with a reliable system - was more than she wanted it to be.

“We couldn't answer the phones or take new customers' information,” she explained. “We were completely down, and as any business owner knows, if you can't take in new business, that's a loss right there.”

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Final Thoughts and Words of Advice for Other Companies  

When asked about any final thoughts about their ITS experience, LaNue and Holman had this to say:

“I saw our ITS representative today and I gave him a hug because it's been a while since I've seen him!” Holman shared. “That's how well the servers have been working. We haven't needed to have the on-site personnel as much, and it's been great working with the whole team.”

LaNue also laughingly explained how she’s asked to directly hire ITS people. “They’re very responsive and effective in fixing what we need fixed.”

Overall, they believe ITS has helped them focus on their future and growth. For other companies, they pointed out how crucial IT truly is to businesses.

“If you don't have an IT person in-house, it is critical for any business to have an IT company that can support them,” LaNue advised. “If you need that responsiveness, ITS really provides it.”

“You don’t know what you don’t know,” Holman also said seriously. “You have to put a lot of trust into the IT company you choose - and that’s one of the things that I love about ITS the most: they help you understand what you don't know.”

“So if I could tell business owners anything, I would say you have a true partner in ITS. It's not just a provider for managed IT or different various services. You have a friend that you can rely on and ask questions and that you can trust that they're going to be reliable and give you an honest answer.”

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