IT Needs Analyzer

Assess your Company's IT Needs in seconds. Then learn how to address your IT concerns for free.

All fields are required. Please enter your first name and email.
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IT needs analyzer
Question 1 of 12
What is your Business Name?
Please enter your business name in order to continue.
Question 2 of 12
How Many Employees Do You Have?
A selection is required in order to continue.
Question 3 of 12
What industry do you belong to?
Please select an industry to continue.
Question 4 of 12
How is your IT handled today?
A selection is required in order to continue.
Question 5 of 12
Where is your headquarters located?
Please tell us where your headquarters are located.
Question 6 of 12
What is your Zip Code?
Please tell us your Zip Code
Question 7 of 12
Do you have multiple locations?
A selection is required in order to continue.
Question 9 of 12
Does your organization lack Security Measures? Please select all that apply
Question 10 of 12
Does your organization still have outdated technology (Equipment and Software)? Please select all that apply
Question 11 of 12
Does your organization lack strategic IT, support and maintenance? Please select all that apply
Question 12 of 12
Does your organization need a Backup and Disaster Recovery plan? Please select all that apply
A selection is required in order to continue.

Almost there! Fill out this quick form to get your results.

IT Needs Recomendation for: Company Name

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What Should I do Next?

Instead of feeling frustrated when faced with your IT issues, it's time to take charge of your tech and make it work for you. Get a Free Network Assessment and obtain a personalized report from our team of experts laying out a roadmap toward a fully secured, cost-effective IT system.  

Get a Free Network Assessment


Step 1- Discover the Recommended Solutions for Your IT Concerns

Visit our learning center, where we have resources tackling the common IT challenges businesses face. Our team of experts talks about pricing, pros and cons, and tips & tricks you should know before partnering with any Managed IT Service Provide.


Step 2 - Find Successful Companies Who Were In Your Shoes

Read our case studies and client testimonials to see the objective value of Managed IT. See how our clients have grown, and evaluate whether we’re the right company to bring that value to you.  


Step 3 - Schedule a Meeting with Us

Fill out the network assessment form to get in touch with our team of IT experts. We’ll conduct a network assessment and dive deep into your company’s current – and future – IT needs.  

network assessment

Get an in-depth technical analysis

Apart from the technical analysis, the key takeaway from a network assessment is how it provides business owners like you with clarity. We won’t just drop a 300-page-thick report on your lap and call it a day. Our technology experts will help you understand the business implications of your network assessment report findings. 

Ready to receive your detailed report? Fill out the form on the right to schedule your free, no-obligation network assessment. 

Get a Free Network Assessment

network assessment

IT Needs Breakdown

This is a visual breakdown of your IT needs according to your answers.