Welcome to ITS! Learn more about our strategic partnership with Afineol!

Let’s Estimate Your IT Costs

When it comes to your IT budget, no one likes surprises. Get your estimate now and take control of your monthly IT spend. 

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Pricing Calculator
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Customize Your Plan

We know how frustrating it can be to ask a service provider for a ballpark figure for IT support only to be met with a reply like "it depends." 

This IT Cost Calculator can help demystify the needed investment for our IT services. Simply enter a few core details about your organizational requirements, and it will provide a reliable ballpark estimate for your review. 


How accurate is the pricing calculator?

The calculator only provides a ballpark figure for your monthly IT spending. That’s because apart from the number of servers, users supported, and backup requirements, there are many other factors to consider when calculating your overall expense (e.g., initial setup costs and ongoing maintenance costs). Prices vary widely, but this calculator will be your guideline as you shop around and compare prices. 

Do you have an IT team? Please indicate if your organization has an existing IT team. 
How many locations do you have? Please indicate how many business locations you have.
How many servers do you have? Please indicate the number of servers you manage.
How many users will be supported? Please indicate the number of users that need support.
How much data backup do you need? Please indicate the amount of data you need to back up in Terabytes.
Your Estimated Monthly Investment:

Core includes the most fundamental security protections all businesses need, including End-point Detection and Response, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and email anti-spoofing.  

a Month
Secure is designed for businesses looking for real-time security monitoring, multi-layered protections, and cyber insurance compliance support.
a Month
Enterprise is a full-stack security offering designed for businesses that want the most advanced protections and those that must meet high regulatory compliance requirements.
a Month
The monthly investment you see is an estimate for each of our packaged plans. Consult with our experts and get a network assessment for the most accurate pricing information.

Frequently Asked Questions

See below for answers to some of the most common questions about our pricing calculator: 

Can’t I pay as I go instead of paying a monthly rate?

Why are there three packages?

Explore Your Options with ITS

While it's difficult to put a fixed price on our services, the value comes from our scalability. Our pricing allows you to grow your business at your own pace, and your tech will never be far behind. 

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Let’s review your current technology and future options.