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Working Together to Stop Malware

September 9th, 2020 | 2 min. read

By Marketing Team

A malware trying to infect a system

Malware attacks are becoming more common than ever. It seems like no business is safe from being targeted. The fear of being held responsible for letting a virus in is something that most employees have to deal with. But if an attack does happen, is there really someone to blame?

We believe that it is never really one person’s fault when an attack happens. The important thing is not to place blame after the fact. What we need to focus on is working together to stop malware before it becomes a problem in the first place.

What’s your role?

A person intent on working

Everyone has different roles in a business. The tasks that a CEO and a receptionist have are quite different, but they both have roles to play in stopping a malware attack.

It's important to remember that it may seem like you, or your business is being targeted specifically. That is usually not the case. Cybercriminals launch different campaigns on numerous businesses all at the same time. When a business is attacked with malware it is usually because someone made an honest mistake that let the malware in.

Accidents happen, that’s a fact. But it’s all of our jobs to work together to stop malware from entering our systems.

Roles for Employees


One of the best ways to stay vigilant is to be armed with essential knowledge from security training. Classes like these are going to be most helpful for those who are on the front lines. Being informed about potential scams, common risks, and trends in data breaches is one of the best ways to stop an accident from happening.

Training like this can help people identify common phishing scams and how to watch out for them. You can work on spotting fake emails and fraudulent login pages with greater ease and be aware of new and growing attacks like USB drops and SimSwap attacks. If someone knows what the dangers could be, then they are much more likely to avoid them.

Finally, employees need to know when to talk with their IT department. Relying on these masters of technology, whether its in house IT or an MSP hired by your company, is another great way to work together again malware attacks. Talking with IT before a problem gets out of hand can keep a small issue from growing into an absolute disaster.

Roles for Employers

It goes without saying that employers should have all the same IT security training as what was discussed above. They are also accountable for what they click on while answering emails, but they have additional responsibilities.

Those in charge of companies need to be prepared to provide this crucial training to their employees. This does two things for your business.

  1. It provides a safeguard against attacks by having an informed staff
  2. It creates a sense that data security is important. If you ingrain cybersecurity into your culture, then online safety will become second nature.

Lastly, they should ensure that they have the IT solutions needed to solve all sorts of malware problems. This means having an IT team that communicates well within your business, knows how to solve important problems, and has the resources needed to keep everything secure.

Add Another Layer of Security

One of the best ways to make sure that your IT team has the right support is to work with a great Managed Service Provider. A good MSP can help you manage data and give your entire business the technological support it needs to stay safe. Hiring an MSP can be one of the biggest assets to fighting malware.

If you are interested in how a great MSP can help your business then give us a call. We offer a free consultation for those who are interested in tightening up their IT security.

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