Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Computer Consulting Services?
August 23rd, 2017 | 1 min. read

The city of Las Vegas has turned to artificial intelligence to help stop cyber attacks, predict traffic accidents hours before they happen, and even help residents gain easier access to city services. Considering how artificial intelligence can be used in so many different applications, how long will it be before AI replaces computer consulting services?
Artificial Intelligence is Already Taking Over Some Jobs
Amazon’s Alexa and her kin can do much more than update calendars and make phone calls. Over the next four years, artificial intelligence will take over 6% of all jobs, according to a recent Forrester report. The biggest disruption will be seen in the fields of transportation, logistics, customer service, and consumer services.
Some experts predict that AI will soon reach beyond low-wage jobs to take over the highly skilled jobs currently handled by knowledge-based employees. Up to 39% of jobs in the legal industry could be automated, according to Deloitte, and accounting jobs aren't far behind.
However, there are limits to what AI can do. Self-driving cars and digital assistants use algorithms to derive insights from troves of unstructured data such as images, video, audio, and text. But even the best AI has only limited ability to handle more complex tasks and decision-making.
Artificial Intelligence’s Dirty Little Secret
Despite all of the hype, artificial intelligence isn't magic. While it can automate an enormous amount of simple decision-making, that's where AI generally reaches its limits.
Decisions that can be automated using AI are generally those that a human could make almost instantly. For example, are human faces present in this photo? Are there obstacles on the road ahead? Are these business computers compatible? What language is being spoken in this audio clip?
Beyond that, while artificial intelligence can fundamentally change the way workers gather information and make decisions, it can't offer expert advice or guidance. For that, you should still turn to a consultant.
Artificial Intelligence Can't Replace Computer Consulting Services
While AI has its uses, only human IT consultants have the expertise needed to assess security risks, identify opportunities to increase efficiency, and give you highly specific advice on strategic IT decisions. A reliable IT consulting service will offer you expert advice on how to resolve all of your technology challenges.
For computer consulting, you can count on, contact ITS now.
Intelligent Technical Solutions is a Managed IT Services Company here in Las Vegas. We set up, maintain and secure the technology of small and mid-size businesses across the metro area. Our mission is to help businesses thrive by managing their technology. Contact us to get a 2 Hour FREE Network Assessment.