Unlike a malicious cyber-attack, team member negligence is a problem that can be stopped internally, through team member training. Follow these training tips to reduce security risks, protect sensitive data, and stop breaches.
Nearly one in three data breaches is caused by team member negligence, according to a study by the Ponemon Institute. That's actually good news, the key to protecting sensitive data is proper team member training.
1. Share your data security policy with all employees.
Ensure that all employees understand your data security policy. Make it a job requirement to abide by your company's confidentiality and security standards whenever handling sensitive data.
2. Regularly train employees in data security best practices.
Data security isn't a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. Regularly schedule data security training for all employees, including temporary help and employees in satellite offices.
3. Post data security reminders.
Put up reminders about your data security policy in break rooms, conference rooms, and any locations where sensitive information is kept or used.
4. Remind remote workers.
Employees who telecommute or work remotely with sensitive information should receive regular reminders about proper security procedures.
5. Reward secure behavior.
Publicly appreciate any team member who alerts you to a security vulnerability. Also, regularly recognize company-wide safety milestones as they are achieved.
6. Issue warnings when necessary.
Even the best-designed cybersecurity plan won't protect your company unless employees follow guidelines. Issue warnings to employees who violate security policy, and take disciplinary steps when employees fail to comply.
7. Get expert advice from a leading managed IT services provider.
For more than 15 years, Intelligent Technical Solutions has been helping businesses stay secure. To keep your employees informed and protect your business against cyber threats, contact ITS for a free cybersecurity audit.