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Top Considerations for CEOs Choosing an IT Team

November 27th, 2020 | 2 min. read

By Marketing Team

An IT Team

We all know that technology has become one of the most important parts of any successful organization. In this article, learn what is actually important for a CEO or small business owner to know about their tech team.

There are several crucial things that should be on the mind of any CEO who wishes to make their tech team as strong as possible.

Choosing the Right Tech Team

A tech guy in the server room

The most important thing that a CEO should be worrying about is finding a tech team that can help them understand what's going on.

It's no secret that most CEOs aren't tech experts. So it's essential to have people on your team that are able to take all the tech talk and turn it into something that real people can understand.

As CEO you are responsible for all parts of the business. Sure, you could hire the best IT genius on the planet, but if they are speaking to you in binary then it will not be helpful.

Your IT team should be able to take all the tech jargon and make it simplified. This not only makes it easier for the CEO to have an understanding of what is going on with the business but also helps everyone else in the organization get on the same page.

Create a technologically-minded culture

The best thing a CEO can do is to create a tech culture that cares and responds to problems. Too many people get a tech person and just assume that they will be a fix-all for everything tech-related.

Working together to create a culture that cares about and responds actively to technological changes will only be beneficial.

You can’t thwart every attack off. But building it into your core will help.

Create Processes that Help You Organize Your IT Goals

Talk with your IT team about your goals for the organization and where you think you are moving for the future. Doing this helps you work together to create processes that will lend themselves best to your future goals.

You need to make sure that your IT person is ready for any changes that the company might be looking to take. What may seem small from a business side can be an incredible challenge from an IT side. You need to be in open communication so that both sides have time to adjust.

Open communication between CEO and IT team

You also need to implement processes that your team integrates that focuses on IT security. This could be a process that makes team members responsible for alerting IT if they feel like something suspicious is going on. It's better to be too careful, than not careful enough.

This is also why its so important to have a tech team that is able to speak with you in clear terms. You need someone who is not condescending and cares about finding solutions. They also need to be able to explain why a solution might take more time, money, etc.

Having open communication about future goals can help make your growth more stable, and make your business more secure as you face changes down the road.

Implement training and process changes on the human level

It is good that the CEO and tech team have an understanding but it's time to make those changes to the rest of your organization.

The best security protocols only work if the humans in the organization do their part alongside the technology.

Implementing tech training can help everyone in your organization understand why changes need to be made, how to make security a daily focus, and work together to make technology and the human side work together.

Choose In-house or Managed IT

The old thought process was to always have your IT team be an in-house solution. However, many organizations are switching to outsourced IT or Managed Service Providers.

Working with managed IT services gives you a team of people that can help you solve problems instead of a single, or couple, or people who need to address everything that IT is responsible for.

Managed IT can also be a much more cost-effective solution for small and growing businesses.

Our great managed services team is always happy to provide a free tech audit to help you identify potential issues in your current IT solution. Please reach out to us to learn more about how our managed IT solutions can help your business today.

20 Signs that your Business is Ready for Managed Services

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