Kharmela Mindanao

By: Kharmela Mindanao on August 20th, 2024

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5 Tech Problems You Can’t Ignore (& How to Solve Them)

Managed IT Services

Have you ever looked at an IT problem and said, “That’s future-me’s problem! I have other things to take care of instead.”?

Well, there are some tech issues you shouldn’t set aside – unless you want future-you to pull out your hair in frustration.

Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS), as an award-winning managed IT service provider (MSP), has enough experience IT to evaluate which problems need immediate solutions, and which ones are more forgiving.

And we want to share this knowledge with you.

So, in this article, we’ll point out five major technology problems that small businesses face – and shouldn’t ignore – while providing practical solutions. With this information, you can identify your priorities more easily and work towards a better IT infrastructure.

READ: 5 IT Problems You Should Leave to the Pros [Updated]  

1. Cybersecurity and Privacy Problems 

privacy padlock on a tabletIf you have cybersecurity and privacy problems, you have a bigger, much more urgent, problem than you think. You’re leaving yourself open to:  

Financial losses 

Whether through direct monetary loss (such as getting ransomed or phished out of money) or indirect monetary loss (like breach investigation costs or high cyber insurance premiums), you’re much more likely to lose money if you put off upgrading your cybersecurity.  

Reputational damage 

Remember the Oakland Ransomware Attack in 2023? Hearing the government lost your SSN (Social Security Number) in a ransomware attack doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Or imagine yourself as a city worker whose private information was posted publicly; you now need to set up safeguards to monitor possible identity theft.

Now imagine your business in the Oakland government’s shoes – it’s not a pretty picture. All the irritation and worry targeted at you piled on top of the downtime you need to work through.  


Calculating downtime costs depends on your company’s current status. But if your business becomes offline because of a data breach or ransomware you inevitably lose productivity and potential clients during downtime.  

Legal and regulatory consequences 

Do you comply with HIPAA, PCI-DSS, CMMC 2.0, or other government IT regulations? If you do, you already know any cybersecurity holes will bring fines and other penalties on your business.  


security assessments

Solving your cybersecurity problems starts with a security assessment. From there, you can begin implementing the right security protocols, like strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), regular software updates, and employee training on cybersecurity best practices.

Investing in cybersecurity insurance can also help minimize potential losses from security incidents.  

2. Inadequate IT Support 

inadequate IT supportSometimes, you can get away with having a one-man team. But when you start growing – getting more customers, hiring more team members – having a small number of IT people quickly becomes a problem. 

Many small businesses lack dedicated IT support, leading to increased downtime and reduced productivity. Maybe your internet and telephone lines always go out, or access to files becomes a problem.

Whatever the issues, without proper technical support, your team ends up spending valuable time troubleshooting IT issues instead of focusing on their responsibilities.  


You generally have two options for fixing inadequate IT support: you can outsource your IT or hire more in-house IT people. In-house IT hiring can take the longest time, but you have on-site staff for your needs. 

Meanwhile, the effectiveness of outsourced IT completely depends on the type of outsourcing you get, and what kind of company you partner with. 

READ: Onsite vs. Offsite Technicians: Which Is Better for Your Business? 

3. Limited Resources for IT investments and Repairs 

a wallet containing only a few coinsOne way or another, your tech will need an upgrade or a repair. But many businesses fall into the trap of failing to budget for this inevitability.

It's completely understandable. There are so many other things organizations need to budget for: taxes, supplies, shipping, staff salaries, etc.

But your IT needs will become urgent, one way or another. Maybe you suddenly need to follow new regulations, or your tech becomes unsecure and easily hackable. Maybe you’ll experience a ransomware attack, or workstations start slowing down due to age.

Regardless of the future issues, having no or limited IT resources is a problem you should work on today.  


The best way to handle limited IT resources is to prioritize areas that offer the highest return on investment (ROI). Consider financing options such as leasing equipment or securing small business loans to fund essential IT upgrades.

You can also use cloud-based services or third-party IT management to reduce upfront costs and provide scalable solutions that grow with your business.

4. Inefficient and Disconnected Systems 

a broken LAN cableDisconnected and inefficient systems lead to redundancy and wasted effort because different software and tools may not communicate effectively. You end up having data silos and operational inefficiencies.  


Conduct a thorough assessment of current systems to identify integration gaps. Implementing integrated software solutions, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, can streamline operations by providing a unified platform for managing various business functions.

Utilizing application programming interfaces (APIs) can facilitate better communication between different systems. 

5. Insufficient or Mismatched Technology for Staff  

a puzzle piece that does not fit the puzzleYour team also needs access to the right technology to maintain productivity and job satisfaction. Without the necessary tools and resources, their performance can suffer, leading to frustration. 


Regularly evaluate technology needs and invest in tools that support employees' work. Provide up-to-date hardware, software, and resources necessary for their roles.

Offering training and professional development opportunities can help employees stay current with the latest technological advancements and use tools more effectively. 

Ready to Overcome Your Technology Problems? 

Now that you know about these common technology challenges, you can create a more resilient and efficient IT infrastructure and set yourself up for long-term success in an increasingly digital world.

ITS specializes in helping small businesses navigate their technology challenges. By addressing the common problems, we empower businesses to create a more resilient and efficient IT infrastructure.  

Our team of experts is dedicated to finding tailored solutions that drive growth and efficiency, ensuring that you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

If you're ready to overcome your technological pain points and take your business to the next level, start with a FREE network assessment. Our dedicated team will take a look at your IT and help you find the right tools and support to achieve your goals.

But if you want more information about the different kinds of actions you can take for your company, check out the following resources: