JP Chua

By: JP Chua on July 8th, 2022

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What is Security Awareness Training? [Video]

Cybersecurity | Video

As cyberthreats continue to pressure businesses, Security Awareness Training becomes a critical tool to protect your organization. In this video, Kraig Kluba shares what it is and how you can leverage it for your business. 

Security Awareness Training

0:00 Introduction 

Training and coaching are the quickest way to gain knowledge about things you didn’t know before. As cyber criminals pose a greater threat to businesses, it’s critical to build cyber security defense habits to protect your organization. 

0:20 Cybercriminals Tricking Our People 

Your organization's people are often the target of cyber criminals who wish to gather company details and passwords or even make actions like purchasing gift cards or even sending funds. Usually, there are tell-tale signs that could tip you off that you’re being tricked, but you likely won’t spot them until you’ve been shown what they look like. 

0:49 How Security Awareness Training Can Help 

Security Awareness Training is offered as a service by many MSPs who want to empower your people to defend your organizations. Those who have undergone Security Awareness Training have found that the skills and habits have also helped them combat scams in their personal lives. 

1:09 What a Good Training Platform Looks Like 

A good training platform provides regular short-form engaging video content and micro-quizzes. Ten to fifteen minutes twice a month can really help to inform everyone of the latest trends in attacks and scams and provide up-to-date ways we can all keep an eye out for suspicious cyber activity. 

1:29 Common Sense Won’t Always Protect Us 

Cybersecurity training is not just about spotting phishing emails. 

What would you do with a USB thumb drive you found in the company parking lot? Or what if a contact at one of your largest accounts sent you a text message to update their accounting info due to an emergency? We cannot assume that ‘common sense’ will always protect us, because cyber criminals are in the business of catching us when we are at our busiest, or impersonating contacts that we already trust. 

2:04 Taking the Next Step to Security 

Contact us today for a Cybersecurity Assessment and help your company stay protected. 

The Whys and Hows of an Engaging Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program