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By: Marketing Team on March 24th, 2020

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When Sending Everyone Home Reminded Us About Our Passion to Serve

Work from Home

One of the cornerstones of running an IT company for us has been to give companies the ability to work from home, and especially during this uncertain time of coronavirus. This is true for our clients in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Chicago, or Pasadena. This post is not about our services, it is about our heart to serve and support our wonderful clients.

First of all, we hope your company is doing well, and that you are able to endure the restrictions that are challenging for all business owners.  We understand the pain people feel.  It is our clients, our friends, and our families that are affected by these trials.  However, we do not believe in being dragged under the waves of negativity we see in the news.  We want to offer hope to our clients and our future clients because we believe our reputation is made when the times are the toughest.

people wearing face masks

We know there are some clients or companies that have had to downsize their operations, awaiting a time where things can open again.  We are with you.  We know there are others who can effectively work from home, especially if their data is available.  Our company has helped companies be able to make these hard decisions easier.  We take pride in any way we can relieve stress for business owners when they have so many tough decisions to make.

We know there are companies who are going to need to reduce the number of users, and that affects our business.  We are more worried about our clients and offer to do whatever we can to make sure we help them get back to the bright period where they are successful and profitable.

There is a tendency to cut corners, to cut costs, and to forget about the people who matter the most during these trying times.  Maybe this is the time we can all look at our own processes, at our own way of doing business, to ensure what we do is solely for the benefit of the client.  We have been reminded deeply, that relationships matter as much as the servers, the email, and the firewalls do.  We have to understand people are scared and frustrated.

Maybe when you call, you are a little flustered and frustrated, not because of your computer or because of us, you are frustrated because this is hard.  It is uncomfortable.  It feels vulnerable.  We are all in this together, we know that these trying times bring out both the best and the worst in us.

a hand as a step in supporting another person

We want to offer hope and help.  We want you to know we consider our clients as our friends and our families.  Our response to these times is not just a simple email that says we are letting our staff work from home.  Our response to coronavirus is to be better, to be grateful, and to show our clients how much we love them and want what's best for them.

We know this is hard.  We know you can make it through this.  We want what's best for you and we are committed to ensuring that whatever you need, we are here for you.  This time has really helped us connect with our clients and to come together as a team.  We have been so proud of our staff who are asking us to help solve problems, not making excuses or blaming a virus for their situations.

We just want you to know we are here for you. We care. Most importantly, we hope you stay safe and when we move past this time and move towards our bright futures together, we want you to know, we have your back!

Personally, professionally, and technologically - we got this together!Top Tips to Make Remote Work Effective for your Business