Kharmela Mindanao

By: Kharmela Mindanao on October 15th, 2024

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How ITS Creates a Customized Compliance Policy


How do you know if a managed IT service provider’s (MSP’s) compliance policy is effective?  In this policy, how exactly do they balance industry regulations and your company objectives? 

In this article, we’ll break down how we create effective compliance policies. Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS) has years of experience developing tailored compliance programs for each client – and we want you to have the information you need to evaluate our proposed compliance policy.

We invited Sean Harris, ITS’ Senior Vice President for Cybersecurity, to add his insight into compliance policy development.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear picture of how ITS creates and implements your compliance plans.

File folders labeled compliance, violations, and documentation for ITS custom IT compliance policy

ITS’ 4 Steps to Compliance Policy Development 

1.  Assessment of Your Compliance Needs 

The first step in creating a customized compliance policy with ITS is the assessment of your specific needs.  

ITS doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, we start by identifying the regulations that apply to your industry and business operations.

Whether you’re dealing with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for payment card processing, or Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) for defense contractors, we make sure the compliance policy is tailored to meet those specific requirements.

During this phase, ITS also conducts a thorough assessment of your current compliance status.

"We do a baseline assessment of how they’re doing in terms of compliance and figure out how to bridge any gaps,” Harris explained. “That could be policies, training, or procedures that need to be built or reviewed annually." 

2. Crafting the Compliance Framework 

Once the initial assessment is complete, ITS begins the process of crafting your compliance framework. This framework serves as the blueprint for your compliance policy, outlining the specific controls, procedures, and practices that need to be implemented to achieve compliance.

ITS offers two primary services for developing this framework: the ITS Virtual Chief Security Officer (VCSO) package and the ITS Verify service.


The VCSO package provides you with direct access to a security expert who assists in building your compliance program, including the creation of policies and procedures tailored to your industry’s standards.  

  • ITS Verify 

On the other hand, ITS Verify includes automated third-party penetration testing, compliance workshops, and a cybersecurity warranty, offering a comprehensive solution for maintaining ongoing compliance. 

“The client drives [the ITS Verify package] a little more,” Harris explained.

Regardless of the service chosen, the compliance framework developed by ITS is customized to your organization’s needs.

ITS considers the specific regulations you must comply with, the unique risks your business faces, and your operational workflows to create a comprehensive and practical framework.  

3. Implementing the Compliance Policy 

With the compliance framework in place, the next step is implementation. ITS works closely with your team to integrate it into your daily operations.

This phase, depending on your compliance package, involves the following: 

  • Training your employees on new procedures 
  • Setting up monitoring and reporting systems 
  • Keeping stakeholders updated about their roles in maintaining compliance 

“For compliance policies and procedures to work, you need leadership fully bought into it,” Harris said. “That involves project management, conversations, training, and getting everyone on the same page."

Additionally, ITS ensures that the implementation process is as seamless as possible. With our experience in compliance management, we anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively, minimizing disruptions to your business. 

4. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement  

Once your compliance policy is implemented, ITS provides ongoing monitoring and support to check its effectiveness. This includes regular audits, updates to policies and procedures, and continuous training for your team.

"Compliance isn’t a destination; it’s a continual thing,” Harris explained. “You don’t just check the box. It’s a journey where policies and procedures need to be reviewed, implemented, and monitored regularly."

One of the key components of ITS’s approach to continuous improvement is the use of automated tools like those included in the ITS Verify service.

Moreover, ITS conducts regular reviews of controls working with the organization to bridge any gaps in your policy. This proactive approach keeps you prepared for audits since your compliance measures remain aligned with industry best practices. 

Business team discussing ITS custom IT compliance policy during a meeting

Ready to Meet Your Compliance Goals with ITS? 

Creating and maintaining a customized compliance policy requires a deep understanding of regulatory requirements and your business’s unique needs.

ITS brings this expertise to the table, offering solutions that are not only tailored to your industry but also scalable as your business grows.

From the initial assessment to the continuous monitoring of your compliance status, we provide comprehensive service that addresses all aspects of compliance management.

Our customized approach ensures that your compliance needs are met through an efficient and effective compliance program tailored to your organization's needs.

If you’re ready to take the next step in securing your business’s compliance, contact ITS today to learn more about how our customized compliance solutions can benefit your organization.

But if you want more information about our compliance policies and procedures, check out the following free resources for your journey: