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ITS and Arizona Tech Works Announce Partnership

February 6th, 2020 | 1 min. read

By Marketing Team

Two people shaking hands

Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS) and Arizona Tech Works announced their official partnership earlier this year and have officially joined as of January 1st, 2020.

Over the years AZ Tech Works’ growth has stemmed primarily from wonderful referrals and connections from their client base and those of other professionals. As a result of those efforts, Arizona Tech Works has experienced steady incremental growth over the past 13 years. This has been related directly to the successes their clients have had in their business and personal pursuits.

The decision to seek a partnership with another firm was made because AZ Tech Works believes that a larger organization will allow them to provide a wider array of services and support options. Technology and security are ever-evolving animals and a larger organization will bring a greater pool of talented technicians to serve client needs and secure their networks with enterprise-level support when needed most.

Intelligent Technical Solutions and AZ Tech Works share the same core values focusing on innovation, respect, and providing exceptional service.

David Carattini, President of Arizona Tech Works explains, "I conducted an extensive search within our region looking for the right fit. ITS exceeded my hopes and checked every box for a firm to partner with and continue the tradition we have for excellent service, genuine concern, deep expertise, and an environment our clients want to be a part of."

Good teamworkHe goes on to say this about their partnership:

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to continue to work and associate with you. I appreciate your loyalty and friendship throughout the years and I’m confident that our new partnership will serve us all very well."

This is a strategic move between both companies - ITS & AZ Tech Works - to cater to their existing clients in the region by adding more experts in the technology field. It is bringing together knowledge, skills, and expertise; making more efficient processes and better serving the clients.

In the future, they will be able to provide many new services and areas of expertise. However, there are several things that will stay the same:

- Current AZ Tech Works' clients will continue to work with the same great people that they have in the past.

- All existing agreements will be honored by ITS Phoenix, LLC.

- The services provided in the past will continue to be offered by the combined firm.

Their office will be located at 1855 E Northern Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85020

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