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Cybersecurity and Burnout [Video]

January 23rd, 2023 | 0 min. read

By May Polon

a person experiencing burnout

Between the hours of 2PM and 6PM while employees are on their third cup of coffee just trying to make it through the day, cybercriminals are busy at work, pushing out their spear phishing campaigns.  

Because human error is known to be one of the biggest causes of data breaches and the risk of falling victim to a phishing attack; it's only heightened when the afternoon slump hits.

But what is really happening to your brain when you're in cognitive overload? 

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May Polon

May Polon is a Marketing Assistant at Intelligent Technical Solutions. She has a degree in Management Accounting and Marketing. In her spare time, she likes to read a good book and do some arts and crafts.