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5 Most Common Types of Cyberattacks to Look Out For

May 2nd, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Marketing Team

Did you know that businesses with lax cybersecurity measures are among the top targets of cyber-criminals? Like dears in hunting season, companies with poor defense programs are sought by hackers for fun and profit. 

They use sophisticated tactics to get around standard cybersecurity measures, pouncing even on the tiniest opening they see. Once in, they’ll take valuable data that can be sold for a quick buck. 

hacker during the pandemic

To rub salt in the wood, the pandemic opened more opportunities for attacks on your network. Hackers are exploiting the poor cybersecurity of remote employees, and the unsecured online transactions you are conducting. Moreover, poor cyber awareness also creates a gaping hole in your defense. 

Here at Intelligent Technical Solutions, we help businesses mount a powerful defense against cyberattacks using next-generation cybersecurity programs and continuous education on cyber-threats. 

To help your team prepare for potential attacks, we will share 5 of the most common types of cyberattacks hackers use in striking businesses. Plus, we’ll also provide tips on what you can do to prevent them.  

5 Most Common Types of Cyberattacks 

Awareness of different types of cyber threats is essential in keeping your network secure. It will help your team mount a strong defense against threats and take corrective actions if an attack occurs. To help your team keep threats at bay, we're sharing with you five of the most common types of cyberattacks you might encounter. 

1. Malware 

malware attackMalware is the most widespread cyberattack that criminals use. It’s malicious software that’s installed on a network without the consent of the owner. Depending on the type, its attack capabilities can range from gathering confidential data to monitoring the actions of its target and controlling computers. 

Hackers use different tactics in installing malware on their target’s computer. But usually, action from the target is needed before deploying it, such as opening a link or downloading a file. 

Steps you can take to prevent being attacked: 

2. Denial of Service Attack (DOS) 

Denial of service attackDOS is a targeted attack that floods a system’s resources with false requests to jeopardize business operations. Hackers exhaust the resources and bandwidth of their target’s network with so many requests to cause its network to break down. 

Though it doesn’t give hackers many gains, it does a major blow to the operations of a business. Customers and clients won’t be able to access your network and services, while your team will be spending time and valuable resources to get your network back online. 

What’s worse is that DOS has a nastier form, the Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack (DDoS). This is orchestrated using many computers that appear to come from different IP addresses worldwide, making it more difficult to remediate. 

Steps you can take to prevent being attacked: 

  • Hire a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) that has anti-DDoS services 
  • Consider getting a router that has a built-in DDoS protection 
  • Choose a website hosting service with an emphasis on security
  • Keep your security software and applications up to date 

3. Phishing

phishing attackThis cyberattack uses social engineering to trick its prey into giving away valuable information about their business. Hackers disguise themselves as representative of a reputable organization, reaching out through email to offer help in stopping a bogus threat. 

But their true goal is to steal sensitive data or install malware on your network. Phishing emails are easy to identify as they have suspicious links and attachments at the end of their message. 

Steps you can take to prevent being attacked: 

  • Do not respond to a phishing email 
  • Delete the message and block the sender 
  • Do not click on any link nor download any attachment 

4. Password Attack 

password attackIt is an attack vector wherein a hacker tries to decipher a person’s password. This is usually done using password analyzing programs such as brute force, dictionary attacks, password spraying, and credential stuffing. 

Password attack has been on the rise because many people practice poor password management. Users that are most vulnerable to this type of attack are the following: 

  • Those who use simple passwords 
  • Those who use the names of their loved ones and pets as their passwords
  • Those who reuse passwords across many sites 

Steps you can take to prevent being attacked: 

  • Don’t use the names of your relatives, partner, or even pets in creating a password 
  • Use a combination of capital and small letters, numbers, and special characters 
  • Use at least 12 characters 
  • Do not use identical passwords on different accounts 

5. Man-in-the-middle attack (MitM) 

man in the middle attackA MitM attack is where hackers insert themselves into a conversation between a network user and a server—the attacker eavesdrop on the communication to gather valuable data that they can use for personal gain. There are also instances wherein an attacker impersonates one side to ask for more information. 

As more businesses transition into remote setup because of the pandemic, the number of MitM attacks increased as well. Remote employees are one of the favorite targets of hackers in MitM attacks as their gains are much higher when infiltrating a business. 

Steps you can take to prevent being attacked: 

Ready to Defend Your Network from the Most Common Types of Cyberattacks? 

Cybercriminals will always be on the lookout for their next target. You can also expect them to develop sophisticated ways to get around cybersecurity. But you can avoid all the troubles they bring by being informed. We recommend creating a cybersecurity handbook that documents the different types of cyberattacks and ways to stop them. Of course, this has to be read, cascaded, and updated regularly to maintain a high awareness in your team. 

Another great way to fend off these attacks is to hire a seasoned Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) that specializes in managed cybersecurity. MSPs will help build a defense system around your network to protect it from hackers and cyber threats. Plus, they conduct proactive check-ups of your software and hardware to ensure that your system is safe and running at 100% efficiency. 

Here at ITS, we help businesses attain a safe and efficient network by constantly updating their cyber-defense structure with modern approaches and up-to-date programs. 

Learn more about what you can do to better protect your business by downloading our eBook 3 Types of Cyber Security Solutions Your Business Must Have for free!

Marketing Team