Kharmela Mindanao

By: Kharmela Mindanao on July 30th, 2024

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10 Benefits of IT Standardization (A Guide for Businesses)

Managed IT Services

Remember the days of multiple chargers and connectors – three different kinds for Apple devices and hundreds of others for Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and Blackberry? Remember when you had to juggle multiple wires, and linking one device to another was a huge hassle?

If your company’s IT situation feels like that, then it’s time to consider IT standardization.

As a managed IT service provider (MSP), Intelligent Technical Solution’s (ITS’) entire business model wouldn’t be possible without a thoroughly implemented standardized process. But don’t just take our word for it.  

Based on our experience, here are the top benefits of IT standardization. After reading this article, you can evaluate if the advantages of standardized IT systems outweigh the disadvantages.   

1. Increased business efficiency 

increased business efficiencyIT standardization helps businesses operate more efficiently. When you standardize your IT systems, all components fit together like a well-oiled machine.

For example, choosing the latest software – like Windows 11, version 24H2 (AKA the 2024 update) - that supports all your necessary applications allows you to take advantage of volume-licensing programs, which include affordable upgrades and updates.

This approach saves time on compatibility issues and offers flexibility for third-party add-on applications. 

2. Enhanced cybersecurity 

enhanced cybersecurityStandardized IT systems are easier to monitor and protect because instead of scattering your cybersecurity efforts across multiple systems, you focus them on a single system.

Standardization requires all devices to adhere to the same security protocols, reducing vulnerabilities and improving the ability to respond to threats.

Consistent security measures across the organization make identifying and mitigating potential risks easier, protecting your business from cyberattacks and data breaches. 

3. Reduced downtime 

reduced downtimeUnexpected maintenance leads to downtime – piling on additional costs you don’t need. IT standardization, due to its ease of maintenance and interconnectivity, helps keep businesses online and your profits rolling in.

This consistency also simplifies tech support. Standardization creates specialization – the team ends up knowing the products better than the manufacturer's engineers.

You reap the benefits of faster problem diagnosis and installations, and your support team can upgrade processor speeds or RAM quickly. It frees up their mental load and time for more urgent tasks.

Plus, you proactively prevent extended downtime because of quicker troubleshooting and resolution. 

4. Centralized and easily accessible administrative controls 

administrative controlsFor businesses with multiple locations, IT standardization – particularly centralized administrative controls – is a powerful yet often overlooked tool.

Centralized controls allow for better cybersecurity; instead of maintaining multiple on-site servers, you can have a single team that manages the IT across all locations.

With consistent hardware and software across all computers in a network, you also reduce the tools needed to resolve maintenance issues. Your IT team can more easily manage access controls, protecting against the leakage of confidential information.

It even helps in the efficient deployment of updates and security patches. Instead of tracking multiple updates, you have one update you can push to all locations.

5. Lower IT maintenance costs 

lower IT maintenance costsReducing the variety of hardware and software lowers procurement and maintenance costs.

Standardization simplifies your IT environment, reducing the complexity of maintenance tasks and the need for specialized skills. This reduction equals fewer resources spent on maintaining and troubleshooting various systems, ultimately saving money.

Standardization also allows for predictable budgeting, as you can anticipate the costs of maintaining a uniform IT environment.

This predictability will help you make better financial plans and resource allocation decisions.  

6. Easier hardware procurement 

hardware procurementWe’ve all had horror stories of people looking for printer ink cartridges only to have a hard time finding the exact make and model. With standardized IT, you won’t have – or at least significantly lessen the likelihood of – this experience.

IT standardization makes bulk hardware purchases possible. When all computers in your system use the same manufacturer, maintaining and replacing parts becomes easier.

Having spare parts readily available is highly convenient, minimizing downtime in case of hardware failures.  

7. Faster and easier compliance with IT regulations 

compliance with IT regulationsStandardization helps in meeting regulatory requirements more efficiently, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Plus, when your IT systems are standardized, it becomes easier to document and enforce compliance with industry standards and regulations.

This streamlined approach simplifies audits and inspections, ensuring that your business remains compliant with relevant laws. 

8. Easier staff onboarding and training 

staff onboarding and trainingStandardization reduces the learning curve for new employees, as they only need to familiarize themselves with a single set of tools and processes.

This consistency in tools and procedures accelerates the onboarding process, allowing new hires to become productive more quickly. Training becomes more straightforward, as you can develop standardized training materials that apply to all employees.

By simplifying onboarding and training, standardization helps in retaining talent and ensuring that all employees are equipped to perform their roles effectively. 

9. Faster scalability 

faster scalabilityStandardized systems are easier to scale as the business grows, ensuring seamless integration and expansion. As your business expands, you can add new devices and systems that conform to your existing standards without the need for extensive customization.

This scalability is crucial for supporting business growth and adapting to changing needs.

Standardization allows you to deploy new systems quickly and efficiently, ensuring your IT infrastructure can keep up with your business objectives. 

10. Better vendor management 

better vendor managementWorking with a limited number of vendors simplifies negotiations, support, and service agreements. Standardization reduces the number of vendors you need to interact with, making it easier to manage relationships and contracts.

This streamlined vendor management approach ensures you receive consistent and reliable support from your vendors.

Simplifying vendor management also allows you to negotiate better terms and pricing, further reducing costs and improving the quality of service you receive.

Ready to standardize your IT environment? 

Dynamic team collaborating on the floor with laptops and notes, brainstorming IT standardization strategies

If you're ready to standardize your IT environment, consider partnering with a trusted IT consulting firm. Their expertise can help you navigate the complexities of IT standardization and ensure a smooth transition.

ITS could be your partner. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your IT standardization efforts.

If you’re not sure where you should go next on your IT standardization journey, you can also check out the following FREE resources