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JP Chua

JP Chua is the Video Producer at Intelligent Technical Solutions. He has worked in documentary, narrative, and corporate video productions. JP combines his love for people and video to connect businesses with their target audience, turning them from curious prospects to happy clients. Outside of work, he produces his own personal films, most of which have premiered in the Philippines and Malaysia. In his spare time, you can find him watching films with his cat, Lunar.


5 Must-Dos to Protect Your Business from a Cyber Incident [Video]

March 25th, 2023|1 min. read


What is a Keylogger

March 16th, 2023|1 min. read


What is Mobile Device Management [Video]

March 13th, 2023|1 min. read


How Can Leaders Create a Cyber Culture [Video]

February 24th, 2023|1 min. read


How to Respond to a Cyber Incident? [Video]

January 20th, 2023|2 min. read

Video / Co-Managed IT

Problems With Having a One-Person IT Team and What To Do About It [Video]

November 18th, 2022|1 min. read

Cybersecurity / Computer Network

What is Bring Your Own Device and Why Your Company Needs It? [Video]

November 17th, 2022|1 min. read

Managed IT Services / Video

What is the Onboarding Process with ITS? [Video]

November 15th, 2022|1 min. read

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Cybersecurity / Video

How to Secure Remote Business Devices? [Video]

November 8th, 2022|1 min. read

Cybersecurity / Video

What is Covalence? [Video]

November 7th, 2022|1 min. read

Cybersecurity / Video

How to Set Up MFA for Your Business? [Video]

October 24th, 2022|1 min. read

Mergers and Acquisitions

Questions to Determine Whether You’re an MSP Buyer or Seller [Video]

October 20th, 2022|1 min. read