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Learning Center/ITS Blog/Jessa Mikka Convocar

Jessa Mikka Convocar

Jess is a Content Writer who commits herself to creating helpful, relevant, and easy-to-digest technical articles. When she isn't writing, she devotes her energy (and money) to collecting K-Pop photo cards, which she likes to call an 'investment.'

Press Release

ITS Enters CRN’s 2023 MSP 500 List for the Third Time

March 10th, 2023|1 min. read

Cybersecurity / Managed IT Services

FTC Safeguards Rule: The Role of an MSP in the Compliance Process

March 8th, 2023|3 min. read


How do ITS Team Members get a Salary Increase?

February 24th, 2023|4 min. read

Computer Network

What is a Computer Network?(& Why Should Your Business Care?)[Updated]

February 21st, 2023|4 min. read

Cybersecurity / Computer Network

What is Network Scanning? (& Why is It Important for Your Business?)

February 15th, 2023|4 min. read

Cybersecurity / Business Tips

What Does the ISO 27001 Update Mean for Your Business?

February 7th, 2023|4 min. read


How Fast Can a Full Suite of Cybersecurity be Implemented?

January 19th, 2023|4 min. read

Cybersecurity / Managed IT Services

Top 5 Managed Security Service Providers in Tempe (2023)

January 13th, 2023|3 min. read

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An Impartial Comparison of Bay Area MSPs: ITS vs. Parachute Technology

January 5th, 2023|4 min. read

Employee Spotlight

Jennifer Gutierrez and Her Passion for Learning and Creating

January 4th, 2023|3 min. read

Employee Spotlight

Mica’s Constant Pursuit of Knowing Themself and Their Strengths

January 3rd, 2023|4 min. read

Cybersecurity / Managed IT Services

5 Qualities You Should Look for in a Managed Security Service Provider

December 29th, 2022|3 min. read